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Creating, Making and Designing Urban Surface Decor
Keep reading to learn more about the uniquely Handcrafted wreath designs created at Urban Wreath. With an undying passion for making, creating, and designing exterior and interior wreaths for doors, walls, mantles, tables tops and more you’re always in great hands with these Specialty Handmade Wreath designs with an urban flare.
Take a look through the site and see what they’ve done, who they’ve worked with, and how they are redefining the traditional Holiday Wreath. At Urban Wreath we like to call them Surface Decor. Our Handmade wreath designs are so much more than
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Students create classroom Peace Wreath by Hope Lecchi
April 17, 2017
Horace Mann Elementary students celebrate Peace Week
Horace Mann Elementary School second grade teacher Jamie Harden reads “The Great Peace March” by Holly Near to her students and to Amy Carbone Scott’s students Friday afternoon. “Peace can start with just one heart,” Harden read. The second graders were wrapping up Peace Week on Friday while continuing to work on a yearlong peace project.
Photos by Faith Bemiss
Jasmine Blankenship, 8, a student in Amy Carbone Scott’s second grade class holds the ornament she created Friday for her classroom’s Peace Tree. The reverse side of the ornament reads “Love takes care of the world.”
Aleesha McCreery, 8, a student in Jamie Harden’s class, creates a peace ornament Friday afternoon featuring a peace sign, a smiley face and a heart. After finishing the ornament, McCreery hung it on the classroom’s Peace Tree.
Photos by Faith Remiss
Horace Mann students in Jamie Harden’s second grade class also created a Peace Wreath to hang by the classroom door.
Photos by Faith Bemiss
It seems that everywhere one looks in the world today there appears to be conflict and turmoil, but upon a closer look, there are those who are striving for peace. They can be found in our midst, especially for the second grade students at Horace Mann Elementary.
During this year, the students in Jamie Harden and Amy Carbone Scott’s classes have been celebrating through a Peace Project. Friday marked the conclusion of “Peace Week” for the students.
“Each year on Sept. 21, we celebrate International Day of Peace to encourage the world to work together toward the goal of peace, and we wanted to promote that same idea throughout our classrooms and hopefully the entire school, then possibly the rest of the district,” Harden said. “As public educators, we have been given the opportunity and privilege of celebrating a very diverse community of students and their families.
“The students created a peace tree to show off that diversity and to celebrate what makes all of us special and unique,” she added. “The students like the idea of having a peace tree to remind them that it is their responsibility to keep peace in the classroom.”
A cross-curricular learning project, the students have focused on a wide range of ways to resolve conflicts and bring about peace.
“For the last three weeks, the students have been working on peacekeeping, peacemaking, and peace-building,” Harden said. “Not only have students refreshed their skills by following the rules and procedures in the classroom, but they have also been resolving their conflicts with one another by talking out their feelings.
“They have been given tips on empowering themselves to address and correct their mistakes,” Harden explained. “The students have been using ‘I’ statements to discuss their viewpoints instead of ‘pointing fingers’ and placing blame.
Students were given the following questions to consider when resolving conflicts:
• What happened, who has been affected, and what are we going to do to make things right?
• How did you feel and what would you like to say to the person who hurt you?
“The students make a commitment to acknowledge their behavior, apologize, make amends, and promise not to repeat the same offense,” Harden said. “It is part of a new focus on Restorative Practices that we have learned to apply.”
The students have reacted positively to the approach.
“The students understand what diversity means and they have a great sense of caring and compassion for others,” Harden said. “They want peace in their lives and understand how to get it.
“Sometimes it takes time and patience to make amends with others, but they understand this and are willing to work towards that goal,” she added. “The students have shown a great capacity for forgiveness and empathy towards their peers. They have shown an understanding and have come up with some very creative solutions to the problems they have to solve.”
The project is ongoing as students continue to add symbols with messages of peace to their tree as well as making peace wreaths using images of their hands forming a peace symbol.
In May, the school yard will be decorated for the school’s Multi-Cultural Celebration with pinwheels of peace made by the students.
The second grade teachers have seen the benefits of the project in their students.
“For me, the best part so far has been getting to watch the students solve their own problems in a peaceful way,” Harden said. “It has cut down on the tattling, the cliques, and children who may have not gotten along well together at the beginning of the year are now playing together at recess and reading to each other during buddy time.
“It’s a blessing to see how much these children have grown this year and we couldn’t be happier about how well the project has changed all our lives.”
Hope Lecchi can be reached at 660-826-1000 ext. 1484.
January 1, 2023
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